Hidden In Plain Sight

by Jill Brody

Copyright: 2016

Like so many minority groups, the Hutterites have suffered persecution and hostility throughout their history, from their earliest days in the 16th century to the present. Theirs is a group that is both ethnic and religious in its origins, yet their essential human kinship with those of us who live in the contemporary, technology-driven world is not evident to everyone.

If anything is commonly known about Hutterite colonies, it is their reputation for being self-contained and private. So much more is the privilege, then, to be able to view this selection of photographs by Jill Brody, a photographer who earned the trust and support of the Hutterite colonies in Liberty County, Montana, to the degree that they allowed her to document their daily lives and share her masterful photographs with audiences who wish to build their understanding of the broad diversity of ways of life among people.

Hidden in Plain Sight was originally organized by the Missoula Art Museum and traveled the state under the auspices of the Montana Art Gallery Directors Association.

Price: $15